Sunday, December 16, 2007


It's been quiet at Inking Aloud over the past day or two because I don't have an internet connection at home right now. Somehow, when they repaired my landline phone early Friday afternoon, Verizon managed to disconnect my DSL connection. A very angry phone call to Verizon on Friday afternoon (I admit that I have no more patience for this after a full week without telephone service and given how much I pay to Verizon per month for phone, DSL and cell phone service . . .) got a technician out to my house between the window of 8 am and 7 pm on Saturday. The technician arrived at 5 or so--after I sat home all day waiting--and needed other technicians to consult with and to help. Since it was after 5, there were no technicians at work any more. May I ask why Verizon allows appointments to be scheduled after people who potentially may be needed to complete the work have left for the day???

So, I am left to wait for Monday for my internet to be restored. To get to the internet, I have to steal someone else's (unsecured) signal with my laptop--as I am doing now. Hopefully I will return with something to post tomorrow evening . . .


  1. That is such a pain; I'd be TICKED! Hope it gets figured out and that they compensate you somehow. :0) Mel

  2. OH my! I'd be upset too! I think I could live without my home phone as we do have cell phones but NOT without internet or cable...I'd go INSANE...I'm telling
    Hope it gets fixed soon! Glad you were able to highjack some wireless from someone :)


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