Saturday, April 30, 2011

HB2U Fungi

Happy Saturday! I'm the hostess for this week’s Paper Craft Planet sketch challenge. The sketch is based on this clean and simple masculine card I made for a recent Paper Crafts magazine call. The card didn’t make the cut for the magazine , but I really like it, so I thought I’d share it as a sketch instead.

I used images from the Fun Fungi and Fun Fungi II sets from Clear and Simple Stamps and the matching Fun Fungi Simple Cuts die set, too—love that there are dies that match the images! I die cut the mushroom pair, then stamped the matching image in brown ink and colored it with Copic markers. I used foam tape to attach the colored image to a cork circle, then stamped the “HB2U fungi” sentiment directly on the cork. Cork is one of my favorite embellishments for masculine cards. It adds lots of interest and texture without being frilly or girly.

I found a fun patterned paper to use for the cardfront’s large panel and set it on a kraft card base, then added a strip of dark brown twill along the bottom of the patterned paper. It’s accented with a button tied with some twine. The cork panel is layered over the twill to complete the card.

I'm looking forward to seeing all the different takes on this sketch. Please link your creation using the linky widget found at the end of this post. And, if you want, you can also upload your project to the PCP gallery using the keyword sk043011 so everyone can find it.

And, as far as Paper Crafts magazine goes, it's not all bad news for me. Just yesterday, I got an email letting me know that three of the projects I submitted for the upcoming Holiday Cards & More issue will be published--yay! I can't wait to share more about the projects with you once the issue is in print!

Materials Used:
Fun Fungi and Fun Fungi II stamp sets, Fun Fungi Simple Cuts dies, Dish All the Dirt Brown ink, Copic markers, Kraft Like a Rockstar cardstock, Dish All the Dirt Brown button (Clear and Simple Stamps); patterned paper (My Mind's Eye); twill (Martha Stewart); twine (Papertrey Ink); circle die (Spellbinders); cork (Creative Impressions); foam tape

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic card with the shrooms-I just got the die cut and can't wait to play with it.


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