Wednesday, July 9, 2008

It's My Day!

Graduation day, that is! Well, technically, I'm not graduating today (I'm not sure when the ceremony is and I'm not planning on attending it), but I'm completely finished with my graduate school classes as of this evening. In tonight's class I am defending my portfolio, which basically summarizes all of the work I've done over the past three years. I think that's definitely a cause for celebration (be sure to read to the end of this post).

Here's a little celebratory card to mark the occasion. It's a shaker card using one of the images from the Birthday Darling set from Clear & Simple Stamps. I placed the balloon image inside a scalloped circle shaker and filled it with tiny star confetti. Cute!

For the scalloped border alongside the striped panel, I wanted to have the scallops be the same size as the ones around the shaker. So, I cut another scalloped circle out, punched out the center with a circle punch, then "straightened" out the curved piece to form a line of scallops. It's not completely straight, but it's pretty close. Just another way to use those Nestabilities dies I keep investing more and more money into . . .

And, remember, Clear & Simple Stamps is running a contest with a $25 gas card as a prize. You can check out the details here.

When you graduate, you have to have some kind of celebration, right? So, in honor of my graduation, thougth I'd have a blog candy giveaway for my readers. There's a bunch of fun stuff in this collection of candy, including a stack of glittered paper, a fun 6x6 mini album, some alterable stuff (clear paint can, pink mailbox, wood clipboard, round CD tin with coasters); a stack of funny mini clear stamp sets (like the Inkadinkadoo ones), a paper distresser, some American Crafts ribbon, a wood mounted bird stamp, some fun chipboard letters, and a box of sparkly rhinestone flowers. To enter, please leave a comment on this post. My sister Jill will randomly select the winner on Saturday.

I can't tell you how happy I am to have this program over. It's been a lot of time and a lot of work. I'm looking forward to getting back to my regular schedule now and getting ready for the upcoming SU! convention, too. I feel so bad that I haven't been able to spend time visiting and commenting at everyone else's blog since my summer classes started. I promise I'll get back to making my rounds again very soon!


  1. Congratulations. What a wonderful accomplishment. You must be so proud of yourself. Love your shaker card.
    Cheryl Sims

  2. Congratulations on a big accomplishment! Maybe I'll bump into you at CONV!

  3. Congrats on your big accomplishment! Three years of hard work and you deserve to celebrate. I love your card, too!

  4. Congratulations!!That's quite an accomplishment and I know you are proud of yourself - that's alot of hard work! You deserve a BIG celebration!

  5. Lori, Congrats on your great accomplishment. But, I have to say that after ALL that hard work, you should "Walk" in your graduation ceremony. I wasn't going to either, but my husband convinced me I should, and now I am SO glad I did. It just puts the finishing touches on a hard earned education!. Love your card too!!

    Barb Kempton

  6. Congratulations on your graduation, what an accomplishment!!!


  7. Lori, congratulations on finishing up! I would suggest walking through the ceremony. You paid for it in your tuition, time and talents! You only get that Master's once. Love the scallop shaker and the circle scallop edge on you card. The colors are brilliant. I have become a rabid fan this summer with of your daily posts, thanks. Happy Wednesday!

  8. Congratulations! That is quite an accomplishment and you should be very proud of yourself. Pat yourself on the back!

  9. Congrats on your accomplishment!
    Have fun at convention!

  10. conGRADulations! That's awesome and something to be very, very proud of!

  11. Whoohoo!!! Congrats, girlie!! Who cares when the exact walking date is, you're done and have accomplished lots!! YEAH!!! It's a great feeling, huh? You should walk though, I did and the second time was as good as the first :) It was great to see my wonderful advisor meeting me up there.

  12. This is an AWESOME accomplishment Lori!! I know you must be very relieved and happy about this!! Amazing how you kept posting so regular through it all!! This card is great - love the shaker idea - too cute!! Great blog candy too - I really would love to win - thanks for being so generous!!

  13. Congrats. I just graduated too. Isnt it the best feeling to know you are done.

  14. Congrats... I know you put alot of hard work into your school...

  15. Congratulations!!! Have fun at convention. I really miss going to those.
    Lori in KS

  16. Congrats!!!! Huge accomplishment!!!!

  17. Congratulations! You should be super excited and proud! Way to go!

  18. Congrats - what exciting news! Love your shaker card - just adorable!

  19. I share in the sentiments of the other comments. Many congrats!

  20. Congratulations!! Having completed a master's and a doctorate degree, I know the hard work you have put into it and it always pays off in the end! Good luck!

  21. Congrats!!!!! Woo Hoo for you!!!! It takes a lot of hard work to do that! I am glad you have finished and can now enjoy some much deserved down time!!! The card is sooo cute! Enjoy your day. Thanks for the chance!

  22. Congratulations! Enjoy your new freedom. Your blog is terrific.

  23. Congratulations! What a marvelous accomplishment. You should be so very proud of yourself! Enjoy your new found free time. Thanks for the chance to win some great blog candy. jmniffer

  24. Big big big Congrats to you Lori!!! I'm sure you are relieved that it's over and thrilled with all you have accomplished! Amazing!

    I've not been a good blogger lately, with my Mom here, I feel guilty sitting for too long on the

    Fab blog candy! those little stamps are so cute!

    Your shaker card is awesome too!!

  25. WOW! You have to defend all three years work? What is your masters in? Charles, my beau, had to defend a master's thesis. I think that sounds easier, lol. :0) He never went to his ceremony either, but he almost wishes he had gone to walk across the stage with his "cohort." Congrats on all of your hard work & thanks for being so generous and sharing the celebration with us! :0)

  26. Congrats! You must be so relieved to be done. Now back to crafting :) LOL

    Thanks so much for offering up this awesome-looking candy!! Have a great week and congrats again!

  27. Congrats on finishing grad school! What a great feat! You should be very proud of yourself. Isn't it wonderful to be able to craft to reduce the stress! Thanks for the blog candy opportunity.

  28. Hi Lori~~~You are so creative in your card making. I save so many of them for future use.
    Honey you deserve a huge congratulations on all the the hard work you have done. I bet you feel like a load has been lifeted form your shoulders.
    God bless you,

  29. Congratulations! I recently finished my graduate program, so I completely understand the feeling of relief :)

  30. Looks like some great candy....very fun and colorful. Your blog is very nice. Keep up the good work.

  31. congratulations, I'm sure your hard work will pay off. pat yourself on the back & enjoy your free time again!

  32. Congratulations! A Master's is no small accomplishment and you should be very proud. Do consider walking--it may seem not worth the effort today, but tomorrow you'll be glad you did.

  33. Congratulation on your GREAT accomplishment! Love your candy!
    Hugs~ Kim

  34. That is such wonderful news Lori! What a great feeling of satisfaction (and relief!) You should pat yourself on the back, alot!! and very cool blog candy!

  35. Congratulations on your graduation.. not an easy thing to accomplish! Enjoy the convention.


  36. Woohoo! Congrats on your big accomplishment!

    But my real comment is... "Jill! You better pick me!!!)

  37. Congrats on completing grad school! That's wonderful!!

    Kerry Morgan

  38. Congratulations!!!!
    Your shaker card is great!!! Thank you so much for this chance at this great blog candy!

  39. Congratulations! You must be feeling pretty good right about now. :)
    Also, I really liked the shaker card. Those things scare me, I'm not up to any kind of assembly.

  40. Congratulations> Love your shaker card and would LOVE to give those goodies a new home.

  41. WHOOHOO for you Lori - that is fabulous!! I remember that great feeling when I got my "green card" saying my thesis was approved and I was DONE!!! Nothin' in the world like it!!! Congrats!!! Your shaker card is wonderful, I just love this!!! Hope to see you at Convention!


  42. Big congrats to you! Cute card too! I know your dad is very proud!

  43. Congratulations, you should be proud of yourself! You have such a great blog too.

  44. Congrats!!! I remember finishing up and the relief it brought me!! I didn't "walk" either, and to this day don't wish I had. I was ready to move on!!! Love all the inspiration you give through your creativity and look forward to more!!

  45. Congratulations on your graduation! I was a full time student for 9 years, so I can imagine how satisfying this is for you. My mother eventually started telling people I was slow!

    Your blog is great: Thanks for sharing all your creations. Keep up the good work!

    Lexington, KY

  46. Congrats on your graduation...way to go!! What a huge accomplishment! Thanks for this chance to win sweet candy...I'd be thrilled to win just that cute bird stamp!
    Brenda H.

  47. Just found your blog and had to say.....Hip Hip Hooray for you on this wonderful accomplishment! What a reason to celebrate! Your shaker card is darling!

  48. Congrats on graduating. It's a lot of hard work but worth it in the end. Love your cards. They are so colorful and bight. thanks for sharing your special day with us.

  49. Congratulations! I hope you feel a great sense of accomplishment and pride, because you should!!

    Thanks for all the inspiration on your blog -- I love your ideas and creativity!

  50. Congratulations! That is so awesome! My hat is off to you. I need to go did it! You need to have a party!!

  51. Congrats on your very big accomplishment!! It must feel great to be done with school. You have a lot to be proud of. Your shaker card is adorable! I really need to try making gone of those. Thank you for offering the wonderful blog candy!

  52. Awesome! Congratulations, you should be very proud of this great accomplishment!

  53. Congratulations!!!!! Take it easy for a while and stamp!!LOTS!! You have some fab stuff on here and I can't wait to see more!!!


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